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Roof Restorations Nerang


Roof Restorations Nerang. COVID Safe businesses and organisations have:
a comprehensive COVID-19 Safety Plan in place
registered as COVID Safe.

COVID Safe businesses and organisations are easily recognised by the blue tick badge displayed on their premises or online.

Registration is quick and easy and it shows customers that you’re committed to their safety. Registered businesses and organisations get: Roof Restorations Nerang

a digital COVID Safe badge for use on Google and social channels
a print ready COVID Safe badge file for use as a poster or sticker on your shop front/high traffic areas
posters on safety and hygiene
reports on how your customers and visitors rate your business.

What is COVID-19?COVID-19 is a respiratory illness caused by a new strain of coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2. Symptoms can include a fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath. The virus most commonly spreads from person to person by close contact with someone who is infectious. It   may also spread when someone touches a surface that has recently been contaminated with the respiratory droplets (from coughing or sneezing) of an infectious person and then touches their eyes, nose or mouth.

Simple hygiene practices, similar to those used to protect against the flu, can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections.

For workers: Roof Restorations Nerang

Clean your hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or bent elbow when coughing or sneezing, dispose of tissues immediately after use and wash your hands or apply hand sanitiser.
Avoid touching your face, nose and mouth and shaking hands.
Avoid close contact with anyone who is unwell. Try to stay 1.5 metres away from anyone coughing or sneezing.
Stay home if you are unwell.

For employers: Roof Restorations Nerang

Provide hand washing facilities and make sure these are kept clean, properly stocked and in good working order.
Provide soap or alcohol-based hand sanitiser if available, tissues and cleaning supplies.
Promote good hygiene practices, e.g. display hand hygiene posters
Keep the workplace clean and hygienic. Regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces such as door handles and workstations helps prevent contamination.
Visit the Smartraveller website for advice about overseas business travel.
Encourage workers who are sick with respiratory illness to stay home until they are recovered.
If someone becomes ill with respiratory symptoms at work, isolate them by placing them in a room or an area away from others.
Arrange for the person to be sent home or access medical assistance.

In public

Physical distancing in public means people:

keep 1.5 metres away from others wherever possible
avoid physical greetings such as handshaking, hugs and kisses
practise extra care if you are using public transport – read the guidelines (PDF, 165 KB).
avoid crowds – if you see a crowded space do not enter
avoid large public gatherings
practise good hygiene
stay at home if you have any cold or flu symptoms. Seek medical advice and get tested for COVID-19

We consider it reasonable that people can travel in a lift to a workplace and be within 1.5m of each other; however, there should be sufficient room so as not to physically touch another person and for the ease of egress of persons at different floor levels. This will result in the lift maximum capacities not being used. Roof Restorations Nerang

Workers and Health and Safety Representatives must be consulted in the development of protocols for using lifts and workers have the right to not travel in a lift if they feel unsafe to do so.

Roof Restorations Nerang, Gold Coast, Australia.